Projects > Video Games

Assassin’s Creed 1 and 2
A score that stands the test of time
Over a decade later, Jesper Kyd’s soundtrack to Assassin’s Creed II is still considered a high mark to which other game scores are compared. The SoS team provided budgeting, music contracting and consulting, MIDI transcription, orchestration, and music preparation. Jason Poss conducted the recording sessions at the legendary Capitol Studios.
World of Warcraft: The burning crusade and wrath of the lich king
Orchestration for the ages
“World of Warcraft” is known as the greatest MMORPG of all time and is still a juggernaut today. Jason Poss’ orchestration of the iconic opening overtures to “The Burning Crusade” and “Wrath of the Lich King” have been close to the hearts of an entire generation of gamers. Our team also provided music preparation for much of Matt Uelmen’s music for “The Burning Crusade”.

Hauntiingly Beautiiful Musiic
SoS helped “Hauntii” record a Hollywood soundtrack on a limited, indie game budget. A recording strategy built around exceptional talent, careful orchestration, and decades of experience made it possible. Hauntii was nominated for a Golden Joystick Award for Best Soundtrack and 4 Game Audio Network Guild Awards. Click the image to learn more.
Aragami 2
Music behind a mask
Developed by Lince Works in Spain, “Aragami 2” was a truly international endeavor. SoS worked remotely with Swedish composers Elvira Björkman and Nicklas Hjertberg to orchestrate and produce the string recordings in Los Angeles during the COVID-19 pandemic. We were able to secure the best string players in Hollywood, strictly adhere to shifting COVID protocols to keep everyone safe, work within Lince Works’ budget, and deliver stellar recordings that made mixing easy. The music of “Aragami 2” was nominated for two Game Audio Network Guild Awards.