Agatha All Along

SoS goes down, down, down, The Witches' Road

“Agatha All Along” is the latest Disney/Marvel Television live action series for which Symbols of Sound provided vocal music transcription for localization.

Sometimes transcribing can feel like many miles of tricks and trials, but this time the Witches’ Road was straight and clear. That’s good news to Marvel fans around the world who know the importance of the ballad in Agatha’s story.

Fans will hear “The Ballad of the Witches’ Road” in their local language when it arrives on Disney+ September 18, 2024.

SoS Goes to Kindergarten

At Symbols of Sound, we have spent several months assisting with localization for the new Disney show “Kindergarten: The Musical!”. This was a unique project for a children’s show, as every episode averaged six fully-produced songs, featuring as many as ten characters in each song.

SoS transcribed the song vocals from audio and created detailed sheet music to allow each character to be dubbed individually and recreate the exact harmony and performance of the original English-language version.

“Kindergarten: The Musical!” releases today, September 3, 2024, on Disney Jr. and September 4 on Disney+.

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In the future, we may be adding a button to follow the feed. For now, it’s only for those “in the know”.

SoS Turns Inside Out Again

Music transcription for Inside Out 2

After nearly a decade, “Inside Out” characters Joy, Sadness, Anger, Fear and Disgust, are joined by Anxiety and others in “Inside Out 2”. Once again, SoS joined the team by transcribing audio to sheet music for localization, allowing Riley’s jumble of teen emotions to be expressed worldwide. “Inside Out 2” is in theaters June 14.


An Indie Game with a Hollywood Soundtrack? YES!!

UPDATE: Hauntii wins Game Audio Network Guild Award

Some of the most interesting and creative projects don’t have big studio resources. The independent video game “Hauntii” is one such project. Composer Michael Kirby Ward, developer Moonloop Games, and publisher Firestoke, assumed that Hauntii’s limited, indie-game budget meant their only option was to record the game’s song in Eastern Europe. Nonetheless, Ward contacted SoS to see if there were any options available for recording in the USA.

Examining the project, we realized that with some creative orchestration and careful planning, it would be possible to access Hollywood talent and elevate the music beyond expectations. Furthermore, we could record both the song and the soundtrack’s most important cues. Making this happen would be a challenge, but the talent available in Los Angeles would mean we could work quickly with a smaller ensemble to achieve very high quality within their budget.

Danita Ng-Poss and Jason Poss worked closely with Michael Ward to develop a strategy for orchestrating and recording. SoS handled all orchestration and music preparation, secured the recording studio, hired the musicians, processed union contracts, and coordinated payroll. The project was completed on time and within the tight budget.

Hauntii is now a rare indie game boasting a soundtrack with A-list Hollywood musicians. The results were so successful that, on some cues, the original samples were completely replaced by the live recordings; even though it was a smaller ensemble.

The video above shows a bit of the recording session with composer Michael Ward singing the song “Home to Home”.

For us at SoS, it was delightful to work with Ward on a contemplative soundtrack to compliment Hauntii’s unique artwork, gentle atmosphere, and more relaxed, thoughtful gameplay. This is far from the bombast of many game soundtracks.

Hauntii is available on PC, Playstation, Xbox, and Nintendo Switch. Hauntii’s soundtrack is also available on Steam.